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  Funding Opportunity Details
 04306-AGR Growth Through Agriculture Mini-Grant SFY2012 - NEW PROGRAM AREA
  AGR GTA Growth Through Agriculture
  Application Deadline: 06/01/2012 12:00 AM
Award Amount Range: $0.00 - $2,500.00
Project Start Date: 07/01/2012
Project End Date: 07/31/2013
Award Announcement Date:
Program Officer: Angie Nelson
Phone: 406-444-0054 x
Categorical Area(s) To be Addressed by Program  Agriculture, Economic Development 
This Opportunity is recurring  Yes 

The Growth Through Agriculture (GTA) Mini-Grant program is a branch of the Montana Growth Through Agriculture Program established by the Montana Legislature to encourage economic and agricultural development through education, promotional, marketing, travel and other business activities.

To begin the application process for a Growth Through Agriculture Mini-Grant:

  • Please read the Mini-Grant program background located at the website link listed below in order to determine whether or not your project is eligible and learn more about the details about the program. 
  • Click on the  "Start a New Application" link in the upper right hand portion of this page to get started filling out your application online. 
  • If you have any questions about the eligibility of your project, please contact the GTA Manager, Angie Nelson, at the number listed above.

Deadline: Open cycle as long as long as funding is available. 

Department of Agriculture Staff members are available to review and provide feedback on draft applications.

Applicants should be aware that funding decisions will generally occur 4-6 weeks from receipt of a final application.

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