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  Funding Opportunity Details
 61474-2018 Urban Forestry Program Development Grants
  DNRC Forestry
  Application Deadline: 11/10/2017 11:59 PM
Award Amount Range: $2,000.00 - $15,000.00
Project Start Date:
Project End Date:
Award Announcement Date: 12/31/2017
Program Officer: Jamie Kirby
Phone: 406-542-4288 x
Categorical Area(s) To be Addressed by Program  Natural Resources 
This Opportunity is recurring  Yes 


Program Development grants aim to enhance and improve upon a community’s urban forestry program. These grants will support goals identified by the Forest Service and DNRC for 2018, which include:

  • Advancing inventory, monitoring, and assessment information
  • Encouraging healthy and resilient landscapes that are adaptive to climate change
  • Fostering a community-based approach for social, environmental, and economic benefits
  • Supporting local economy, opportunities for underserved groups, and educational enrichment.


Montana cities, towns, counties, universities, nonprofits and tribal governments interested in conducting innovative projects in urban forestry.  Preferred projects include tree inventories, development of an urban forest management plan, or urban forestry public awareness efforts. 


Grantees will be given 6 months to 1 year to complete the project from date the agreement is enacted.


1:1 (100%) match required from grantee.

 Click on the File Name to open attachment
Description File Name File Size
Application - Form, Questions, and Budget 2018PD_ApplicationWebGrants_Application.docx 48 KB
Grant Program Overview and Instructions 2018PD_ApplicationWebGrants_Overview.pdf 1.3 MB
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