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  Funding Opportunity Details
 111429-AGR Food and Agriculture Development Center Funding SFY2022-2023
  AGR FADC Food and Ag Development Center Program
  Application Deadline: 04/28/2021 2:00 PM
Award Amount Range: Not Applicable
Project Start Date: 07/01/2021
Project End Date: 06/30/2023
Award Announcement Date:
Program Officer: Aly Townsend
Phone: 406-444-5424 x
Categorical Area(s) To be Addressed by Program  Agriculture 
This Opportunity is recurring  Yes 



This program is authorized under the Montana food and agriculture development program as established in MCA 80-11-901 and is overseen by the Agriculture Development Council (Council) as described in MCA 90-9-202. 


The purpose of the Montana Food and Agriculture Development Center Program (FADC) is to increase the capacity of Montana’s farmers, ranchers and other agricultural entrepreneurs to serve both in- and out-of-state markets for food, farm-based renewable energy and other value-added agricultural products.

FADCs provide specialized technical assistance to Montana’s farmers, ranchers and value-added food, farm-derived renewable energy and other businesses that add value to agricultural products and resources.


Montana Department of Agriculture anticipates approximately $1,200,000 for the two-year period of this grant.Thereis no maximum or minimum request amount, butMDA does plan to award multiple awards from these funds. Additional funds will be allocated, if available, should an award be approved for renewal beyond the initial two years of this opportunity.


Eligible Applicants

Eligible entities must be registered as a non-profit organization and have documentation on file with the Montana Secretary of State’s office.

Eligible Activities

  • Activities must develop Montana’s food processing infrastructure, support emerging agriculture technologies or enhance opportunities to expand Montana’s agricultural economy. 
  • Eligible activities also include technical assistance to existing and start-up Montana businesses and entrepreneurs pursuing opportunities in value-added agriculture, commodity processing infrastructure, food manufacturing, including the incorporation of emerging technologies and farm-derived renewable energy.

"Farm-derived renewable energy" means renewable energy produced from products developed by farmers and ranchers, as well as entrepreneurs, using Montana farm and ranch products.


Topic: FADC Q&A Call

Time: Apr 12, 2021 02:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

 Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 960 306 7171


Dial by Telephone

+1 646 558 8656 or +1 406 444 9999

Meeting ID: 960 306 7171

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 Click on the File Name to open attachment
Description File Name File Size
Food and Agriculture Center Budget Narrative 2021 Budget Narrative.xlsx 18 KB
2021 FAQ updated 4.22.2021 2021 FAQ Food and Agriculture Development 4.22.21.docx 20 KB
Food and Agriculture Center Application Narrative FADC Application Narrative - Final.docx 102 KB
Food and Agriculture Centers Request for Proposals FADC Request for Proposals - Final.pdf 327 KB
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