This is the original OHV Grant Program for federal and nonfederal entities.
Eligible Projects Types
- OHV trail development, improvement, or maintenance. This may include trail steward positions.
- OHV safety and ethics promotion. For example, providing safety/educational training in local schools or developing safety/training materials (brochures, film/video production, posters, signage).
- OHV trailside/trailhead development or maintenance. For example, installing informational kiosks and other trail signage specific to OHV trails.
- Noxious weed eradication alongside OHV trails.
Application Guidelines
- Eligible applicants include clubs, friends groups, and associations, as well as federal, tribal, and other government agencies. State OHV grant dollars cannot be awarded to a for-profit entity.
- Applicants will be scored based on the OHV Program Eligibility criteria.
- Federal Trail Stewards applications are limited to one position per application. OHV grant funds will cover salaries only, not to exceed $16,000.
- Funding adjustments may be made to achieve the greatest benefit statewide.
- Federal agencies submitting applications are strongly encouraged to form partnerships at the local level for their respective projects. Examples include a local OHV club providing time and labor to combine with a proposed Federal Trail Steward position, or a funding match from a local Chamber of commerce for a signage project on Federal lands.
- Friends groups, local Clubs and other entities are likewise encouraged to form partnerships with other user interest groups, Federal agencies, etc.
- Environmental Review Documents and Support Letters are valid for up to three years if there have been no changes in the project scope from previous grant applications. All environmental review documents must be uploaded with your application.